Monday, 22 January 2018

MITOLA Essay Plan

use this link - MITOLA

How is this marked EAA?

Step 1: Identify what the question is about.

Step 2: decide which of the two questions to do

Step 3: note down a plan, with the main points you want to cover and the examples you want to use. Break this down so you cover all the areas needed

Media areas x2 or more
Which theory/critics to reference- it just means whose ideas do you want to mention
Main arguments

Step 4 Write an Intro

'In this essay I shall consider how far consumer behaviour and audience reception of the media has been changed by the internet, I will focussing on, and using examples from the film and music industry’. I shall refer to the ideas of David Gauntlett and Michael Wesch to consider whether the arguments they make about Web 2.0 really do suggest that audience have significantly changed.

Step 5 get on with it: case study 1

Step 6 case study 2

Step 7 pull your ideas together, preparing for conclusions

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