Thursday, 23 November 2017

MITOLA Exam Questions

  1. “The impact of the internet on the media is revolutionary”. Discuss.

  2. Discuss the extent to which the distribution and consumption of media have been transformed by the internet. 
  1. “For media audiences, the internet has changed everything.” Discuss. 

An exam answer must contain the following:
  • Examples - These are your case studies and should discuss a product that has been produced, maybe it is an album, film or game.  Who made it? When was it made? Why are you bringing it up (it should apply to the argument you are making).
  • Media areas x2 - You need to discuss 2 media areas.  Maybe this is film and music, or games and film...
  • Which theory/critics to reference- it just means whose ideas do you want to mention.  We have discussed 3 in class so far. But we will discuss many more in the future.
  • Main arguments
  • Past - You should mention how the media product was produced, marketed and consumed before the internet.
  • Present - what happens now?
  • Future - what do you think will happen in the future? What is this based on?
  • terminology - convergence, synergy, wikinomics is a theory but also counts as terminology
  • conclusion - what do you think about the original question and why
Use the 3 theories we have studied to discuss how the impact of the internet has or has not been revolutionary.  In this discussion you should use examples to back up you arguments and talk about past, present and predict future trends.  Use as much terminology as you can and write a brief conclusion.  Use the list above to help, a grade A will address all points.

Deadline: Next Thursday's lesson

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